Connections to Key Issues in Technology & Education
Developing information literacy & technology skills in students
Methods and strategies for teaching information literacy to students
Meeting the diverse needs of students:
Methods and strategies for teaching information literacy to students
Meeting the diverse needs of students:
- One plan I have in order to meet the diverse needs of learners is to have the students work in small groups. These groups will be based on career interests, but once that is accounted for, then heterogenous grouping will be utilized.
- Another aspect of UDL that applies to my project is using multiple tools for construction and composition - students can choose the technology tools they would like to use to create their multimedia presentations.
Social and ethical uses of technology (particularly digital equity, intellectual property, and copyright) and healthy practices in the use of educational technology: - In order to work on this project, students need to be cognizant of our schools acceptable use policy. I give my classes instruction in this during the first week of each new marking period. Since students will be using voice over IP technology to conduct their interviews, students should have completed my unit on "Being Web Wise and Safe On-Line." All necessary equipment will be provided to the students, so digital equity should not be an issue.
Using Technology to Facilitate/Develop Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills in Students: - My Dream It proposal facilitates the use of critical thinking skills by requiring students to work collaboratively on writing a list of quality questions they will ask their expert. When students create their multimedia presentation about the career, along with their edited video, they have to critically evaluate the career path their expert followed and explain it to their classmates.
- My plan demonstrates leadership in my school for several reasons:First, because it has never been done before and secondly because the proposal for the equipment to be purchased has been made with needs of all students and teachers in the building in mind.